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Logan.WS / Articles / Create Your Own Polls, Quizzes, and Surveys

Create Your Own Polls, Quizzes, and Surveys

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Logan tried out a cool site recently called Quibblo.com. On this site you can create polls, quizzes, quizzes where the person taking the quiz can be categorized, and surveys. You can submit your newly created poll, quiz, or survey to be voted on and taken by the Quibblo community or you can put it on your website in addition to many of the popular social sites. Logan is a developer that could build a poll, quiz, and survey system of his own but finds a site that does all the work for you beneficial. Quibblo.com also appeals to the non web developers out there that want the cool functionality but don't have the right skills to build something themselves.

In addition to being easy to create, the polls, quizzes, and surveys are easy to customize to display the way you want them. The polls, quizzes, and surveys cool graphical result pages that update as people vote.

Here is a poll that Logan recently added to this site:

A feature that Logan wishes Quibblo.com had is the ability to update/delete the polls, quizzes, and surveys after they have been created. The polls, quizzes, and surveys also don't have easy ways to add links to where you want them like back to the site you want it displayed. Most of the time the voting worked but there were times when it seemed a little buggy. Otherwise Logan recommends Quibblo.com.

Posted: May 22, 2007

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