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Logan.WS / Articles / Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11

Tragedy Hits
Article Pages
Tragedy Hits
The Stories
Down at Ground Zero
Needed in Sleepy Hollow
Plane Hits World Trade Center on 9/11
It was a Tuesday about 5 years ago. Logan was at work in his cubicle when a co-worker had said that a plane had accidentally hit one of the World Trade Center towers. Logan had continued to work but listened to all the news updates flying over the cube wall. There was news of a second plane hitting the other tower. After a little while a bunch of co-workers decided to go to watch the TV screens outside the company store. When Logan had gotten to the company store, there was news that one of the towers had collapsed. Half the people watching were silent in awe where the other half were crying. Logan finally got a glimpse of the tower falling when one of the newscasters asked if they where replaying the first tower falling. What everyone was seeing just then wasn't a replay but the second tower falling. It finally hit Logan that he might be needed back in Sleepy Hollow where he is a volunteer firefighter.

Logan's boss just said to go and he set off towards his home town. Arriving back in town he found he had missed the fire trucks that were going down to the city. Logan and a handful of others where put on call in one of the firehouses in case there were any fire calls in Sleepy Hollow. Most of them couldn't keep their eyes off the TV and the destruction found on it. Even at home Logan couldn't stop from watching the same scenes over and over again. The rest of the week was a blur between being on call at the fire house and watching ground zero on TV.

Next Page: The Stories

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